Tezz12 Oct 11, 2021 Instead of cleaning house, I just watch an episode of hoarders and think, Wow my house looks Great!
Tezz12 Oct 11, 2021 Some people remind me of old TV sets. Sometimes you have to hit them a few times before they get the picture.
Some people remind me of old TV sets. Sometimes you have to hit them a few times before they get the picture.
Tezz12 Oct 9, 2021 Every day thousands of innocent plants are killed by vegetarians. Help end the carnage.
Tezz12 Oct 9, 2021 Two things are infinite. The universe and human stupidity. ...and I’m not so sure about the universe. ~ Albert Einstein
Two things are infinite. The universe and human stupidity. ...and I’m not so sure about the universe. ~ Albert Einstein
Tezz12 Oct 9, 2021 I’m losing my mind, but as long as I keep the part that tells me when I gotta pee, I should be okay.
G Gretel Oct 8, 2021 I will chat soon. Beware the people who are listening. Lmfao. I need sleep. I paint at night and the time is near.
I will chat soon. Beware the people who are listening. Lmfao. I need sleep. I paint at night and the time is near.
G Gretel Oct 8, 2021 If I could forecast the end of the world, I’d hold you tight and let the fucking nukes fly.
G Gretel Oct 8, 2021 I’m tired and see a full moon, do you mind if I start rubbing my clit without you?