Time is very important to me, so I think interacting differently with my hands while my ears and eyes collect data from different places is something I generally do well.
Can you remain calm and respond as if you were unaware of it Even though you realize that someone is trying to deceive you?
Depends. In person, people can read my thoughts mostly off of my face. Online, I can ignore blatant lies. I always wonder why people tell them though, as, usually, I know the lie b/c I know the truth, and the truth wouldn't bother me, or, it may be something I didn't even ask a question about so they could have just shut up and not told me anything.
Can you look into the mirror with a clear conscience?
I think I can do it. In fact, it's almost impossible for me to get away from the subject because I focus so much on the main idea of the story. This might make me a bad storyteller.
Can you put the blame on someone else to appear innocent, even though you are guilty?