Justme28 Sep 12, 2020 Holy shit who decided it was a good idea to change seasons overnight im freezing
Justme28 Aug 3, 2020 Just because you have perceived to have built friendships with someone doesn't mean they see it the same.
Just because you have perceived to have built friendships with someone doesn't mean they see it the same.
Justme28 Jul 3, 2020 Hmmmm interesting i of all people can't comment on your post good to know where i stand
R Rebus69 Mar 30, 2020 I’ll be in the pool if you need me... Where tf did I put my sunscreen btw? Oh well Ima cover my ass in olive oil and hope for the best...
I’ll be in the pool if you need me... Where tf did I put my sunscreen btw? Oh well Ima cover my ass in olive oil and hope for the best...
R Rebus69 Mar 28, 2020 My WiFi is out and I think Ima go insane over here!!! Ok more insane... Fancy a game? Fader!!!-_-
Al_UK Mar 16, 2020 Just checking that your survived your surgery Hun, haven't seen you around for a month or so?
R Rebus69 Mar 8, 2020 Sideways fucking... I’ve gotta give that a try, ASAP!!! And no I’m not gonna record it, I think? ;-p