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  • Wanted: 1 Hot N Horny female with A slutty Mind to start the weekend off right. Hmu if you think you have what It takes to be a slut.
    I'm craving pussy for lunch. It's sugar free. 0 carbs, 0 calories and it taste good. Side effects you may burn off a few extra pounds.
    If I asked you to suck my dick right now. What you say? What would you do?
    Killing me on the spot and then telling me to suck a lemon? Polite? Where I'm from if you don't have something good to say, you don't say anything at all. Unless you're a close friend.
    Trust me, youd rather me warn you than just flat out do it. Beyond that, with a question like that, how else did you honestly think that was gonna end?
    Not say anything if you weren't interested. Just saying no would have been enough. Turned and walked away shaking your head. I tried it in real life. I'm still alive. But, I still didn't get my dick sucked. I just felt your answer was a little bit over the top. It doesn't really matter. You live and you learn.
    Good night all. I'm going to drink another beer and take advantage of myself. I love, myself and twice on Sundays. Definitely more than 2
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    Reactions: AkshayGoodOne
    Have fun, buddy :)
    If life was my girlfriend. I would get my dick sucked every day. Because life can suck every day.
    Adidas= All Day I Dream About Sex. Nike = Nights I kann Ejaculate. Ahh what a relief oh shit I did it wrong. Nott!! It's night somewhere ;-)
    Have you ever been so horny? That, you didn't trust yourself to make any type of responsible decisions. Like what to wear or eat.
    They say everyone looks the same In the dark. thank God we all don't feel the same. I screw myself enough as it is.
    Hummm So horny, I don't which to eat first. Asian, blonde, or brunette. The hell with I'll have a combo.
    Nothing's going right, right now. So I'm going to take a left and see where I end up. Nothing beats a failure. But, a try
    Wait? Today is Tuesday? Why in the hell am I still having the Monday blues. Dam this Monday sucks worse than the other one.
    After midnight and I still have my dick in my hand. Is that a good or a bad thing.? Does it even matter.
    When the powers are beyond your control. What do you do? Simple : shut the F*** up. And pull down your pants. ;-)
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