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Before Contacting Us, Read The Following

Forewarning: Any message sent to us about any problem that is already answered on this page will be ignored. Any message sent to us that we believe is an attempt to compromise another user account will be ignored. We can not tell you your username, email address, or password, and messages requesting this information will be ignored.

Will the chat rooms work for me?

No: Your browser does not support our chat software. Upgrade your device, operating system, and/or web browser in order to use our chat software.

Partial: Your browser will probably only allow text chat. Try upgrading your operating system and/or web browser if you want to use webcams and microphones.

Yes: Your browser seems to fully support our chat software.

Testing your browser...

Note: The above is just a basic script that attempts to determine whether your web browser is supported. It is not possible to be 100% sure (only about 95%) that chat is supported on your system unless you join and try it out.

Is chat not supported or not working correctly?

If your system doesn't seem to be supported, don't panic! Upgrading your web browser is free and easy. Try installing the latest version of either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox first.

Our chat software works best with devices and browsers that fully support HTML5 and Javascript, with fully implemented WebRTC, WebWorkers, and WebSockets support. For best results, use a currently supported operating system and a modern web browser such as those linked above.

Problems logging in:

Forgot your username or password:

Did not receive confirmation email:

Being harassed:

Your information in use by someone else:


If you've been banned, please use the Ban Form to dispute or question the ban, do NOT use the contact form below, it will not be addressed. Only complete the form once, multiple submissions for the same appeal will result in slower processing time.

All inquiries related to advertising should be directed to AdultSense who exclusively handle all promotional content and arrangements, do not use the form below for ad related matters.

Contact Us