Not quite human, Part 3 (non-explicit story)


ViXxXeN's Sugar Dumplin'
Staff member
OFC Regular
Christina’s mind was whirling like a hurricane now. First vampires, then William showing up, and then the vampire saying Will wasn’t human, and now the fighting which was happening at a speed that seemed impossible. As the girl watched, the two combatants traded a series of punches and kicks, neither really seeming to gain an advantage, though the vampire, with its deranged face seemed to be slightly quicker and hitting a little harder, but the white glowing young man she knew as William was holding his own.

The first series of exchanges conformed two things for William, that vampires were just as tough as he heard, and also that the vampire had the advantage. If this continues too long, I’m in trouble, thought Grayson.

The two combatants separated a few steps, the senior breathing a little heavier than he was a few moments ago, the Vampire breathing just as heavily. “What are you out of breath for? You don’t breath”, remarked William. The Vampire smirked, its chest coming to a stop. “I wanted you to feel like you were doing well”. The Vampire then struck out with a side kick, which William blocked out to the side, but the vampire used to momentum to continue its spin, a backhand catching William across the face, sending him flying back a good ten feet, leaving him splayed out on the ground, the aura flickering and disappearing. The Vampire quickly followed up his attack by leaping up and forward, its foot smashing heavily into the ground where William Grayson once laid. William had barely rolled out of the way and then shot a foot forward, catching the vampire’s leg on the side of the knee. If it had been a normal humans leg, the knee would have snapped, but all the blow did to the vampire was unbalance it, allowing William to gain his feet and lunge at creature, his fist snapping the creatures head back. A follow up blow knocked the vampire’s head to the side. The undead creature quickly struck back with a clawed hand, digging a series of short trenches in William’s shoulder. William grunted in pain but managed to block a second strike, and the third, but a fourth one got thru against his chest, knocking him to his knees.

The Vampire smiled again.

Eric the vampire reached up and wiped away a trickle of blood coming from his mouth. The vampire had lived long enough that it was hardly surprised anymore, but this was a big one. A human (well, maybe not quite human, he told himself) standing toe to toe with him and actually making him bleed! As much as Eric was loving the violence, the night was starting to come to a close and he did not wish to be around when the sun woke up.

“I must say boy! I’m very surprised by you. There are very few beings in this area who would attack me, much less be able to hang with me in a brawl! While I commend your abilities, it is time for the fun to come to an end.” The Vampire smiled, “But tell you what, I’ll let you enjoy life a little longer while I drain your friend over here, and maybe I’ll be full enough that I’ll just step on your neck”. The Vampire turned, feeling quite full of itself aga…WACK! The Vampire took a step back as the Christina swung piece of wood that connected with its skull, causing its ears to ring. The creature hissed in annoyance and glanced up in time to catch a second swing to the face.

“Stay away from me!” Christina screamed as she raised the wood piece to strike again, only to have a seriously pissed off vampire grab the wood and violently yank it out of her hands, a quick kick doubling her back onto the ground, a series of painful gasps emitting from her lips as the tears stared to flow again. The gasps turned to wails of protest as Christina felt a cold, taloned hand close about her neck and an angered voice sounded “That was uncalled for…PREY!”

As the vampire begin to pull its meal from the ground, an inhuman scream sounded behind it, and Eric turned his head just quick enough to catch a blur of movement before he felt himself sent airborne, which ended abruptly against the alley wall. The Vampire slowly picked itself off the ground, shaking its head to clear the lights that had suddenly sprung up. Except that when the vampire picked its head up, it saw that the light was coming from William, flicking wildly about him in all directions.

Oh, that’s new.