I confess..

Hey bud, I believe in you. Sex and relationships aren't the be all and end all of the world. You can live a totally fulfilling life without those things. Don't get caught up in what you don't have - embrace what you do. Your time in the spotlight will come. Just be ready for it.
Hey bud, I believe in you. Sex and relationships aren't the be all and end all of the world. You can live a totally fulfilling life without those things. Don't get caught up in what you don't have - embrace what you do. Your time in the spotlight will come. Just be ready for it.
Nicely said Aussie
I have never shown my naked body to anyone, I have never had sex, a relationship, nor have I even had a kiss from a girl. I am incredibly fragile in real life

As a person who ranges from "raging nympho" to "sex is boring" person -- sex isn't the most important thing. It can be fun, and with people with the same kinks it can spark some flicker of entertainment. But it won't be the key to happiness. Like Aussie said - be happy with what you do have. Everything will happen when it happens.

Relationships aren't mandatory to be happy - I personally feel they are too constraining. If you feel a connection with the person then just go with the flow, things will happen when they do. Don't base your happiness on how many people you've slept with or dated. Build friendships and develop yourself as a person. At the end of the day, you're the only one who can really make you happy. (Not to say that there are not people who will help you!)
when I confessed this, I meant I am inexperienced, that's all, I guess people misunderstood my confession
when I confessed this, I meant I am inexperienced, that's all, I guess people misunderstood my confession
Still doesn't change the message. I'm in the same boat dude; I just use it to make self deprecating jokes is all.

All a matter of perspective I guess