Forum issues

ViXxXeN, thanks for all your hard work for this site. You probably catch a lot of crap but don't get much appreciation so let me offer you some well deserved, if a bit overdue, thanks for your dedication.
ViXxXeN, thanks for all your hard work for this site. You probably catch a lot of crap but don't get much appreciation so let me offer you some well deserved, if a bit overdue, thanks for your dedication.
Thank you. This means a lot to me.
Thank you. This means a lot to me.
Support needs to be given more often. People can by quick to tear others down and not so quick to build them up which in turn leads to very few giving their time and energy like you and the others do, so we can enjoy ourselves in peace and relative tranquility. Mods and Admin, you personally, have been very kind and patient with me from the time I first came on here, not all that long ago. I'm very happy my little bit of encouragement helped spruce up your day.