Chat Changelog

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Chat Architect
Staff member
Updates to the chat software will be posted here for anyone who is interested. This thread only concerns technical information about the chat itself; nothing related to the main site, forum, or policies is concerned here.

As of Tuesday, June 27th, 2017, the client version was 0.17.2 and the server version was 0.1.11.
Server Version 0.1.12 (June 28th):
  • Implemented internal stand-alone method of handling friends lists to be sure they are available if you logged in directly from chat, and not from the forum.
Client Version 0.17.3 (June 28th):
  • Fixed foreground color when hovering over the messages (envelope) button.
  • Implemented logic to request online friends after logging in directly from chat instead of from the forum.
  • Made adding/removing friends work on Safari.
  • Added a special glyph to distinguish the function of the share/manage button in the lower left. It will show the share arrow if you are not a moderator in the current room, and it will show a list symbol if you are a moderator in the current room.
  • Fixed bug causing quit messages to appear in every tab, even when a user was not in those tabs.
Client Version 0.17.4 (July 4th):
  • Fixed friends list being permanently stuck on for wide viewports when logged in as a guest.
  • Fixed room user lists and friends list visibility state being reset upon joining a new room after having manually toggled them off.
  • Fixed text color on main menu items when hovering the mouse over them.
  • Added a colored border to all buttons while hovering over them.
  • Fixed kick messages not being forced to show no matter what for non-moderators in unofficial user rooms. (This will also cause joins and quits to show no matter what in user rooms even if you have joins and quits hidden for official rooms).
  • Added a "pulse" animation to the button for publishing webcam and mic after you join a room for the first time in a session.
  • Added a "pulse" animation to the manage room (moderator) button the first time it becomes available for you in a session.
  • Forced skipping of highlighting of messages that contain a hash sign # followed immediately by your username (because it was rather annoying in user rooms).
  • Added new options to the room moderator dialog to set these modes: Moderated, Secret, Invite Only, and No Image Messages.
  • Improved the wording of room mode changes to be more helpful about what they mean.
  • Fixed several issues with receiving "invites" when someone uses /invite to invite you to their room.
Client Version 0.17.5 (July 10th):
  • Added radial user context menus. (Orbital? Radar? Glass?)
  • Added +/-Mod and +/-VIP buttons to context menus when you have mod status in a room. Note: These temporarily give or take mod or VIP status from a user in your room. They do not control auto-mod/auto-VIP settings for the user, unlike the tabs in the room management dialog.
Client Version 0.17.6 (July 11th):
  • Anchored the glass menu to the top left on iOS devices to prevent a 3D occlusion bug over the userlist.
  • Changed background color of glass menu to compensate for a shadow rendering bug on Windows Firefox.
  • Changed border radii and colors of glass menu rings to compensate for rendering bugs on Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer.
  • Upon disconnect, the "Loading" popup and message about auto-reconnect will not be shown if the first attempts succeed.
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