
  1. AkshayGoodOne

    Dad Jokes and Bad Jokes ☺️

    Hey there. This thread may evoke cringe inside you, but while your PJs and stupid puns won't be acclaimed elsewhere, just fill this one with whatever puns and jokes are in your pun-eumonia inflicted mind.Sure, they can be so bad that they're good . I'll start. 1.Why are bisexual people rude...
  2. SinnerConnor

    Self Goal

    Some of us like self deprecatory humour, right? (Not the most original idea. I've seen a page dedicated to those in another social media place.) We don't really need the world to throw us insults, because we can do better than them. Here is a thread for insulting oneself. I will begin: I...
  3. G

    Hello boys and girls!

    Hi! I'm a real individual! I had a bloody Mary the other night, and Mary felt very wary about the color blood I was drinking. She couldn't help but spill a martini on me, thus she wanted to hold hands with Bruce Lee.